Chronicles of Avonlea

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Chronicles of Avonlea is a collection of short stories by L. M. Montgomery, and part of the Anne of Green Gables series. It features an abundance of stories relating to the fictional Canadian village of Avonlea, and was first published in 1912.

In Chronicles of Avonlea, Anne plays a smaller role in the book. Other Avonlea residents from the previous books in the Anne of Green Gables series are also referenced in passing, including Marilla Cuthbert and Mrs. Rachel Lynde.


"The Hurrying of Ludovic": Anne Shirley is behind Ludovic Speed's proposal to Theodora Dix after their very long courtship.
"Old Lady Lloyd": Old Lady Lloyd, thought to be very rich, encounters the daughter of her former beau and tries to help her.
"Each in His Own Tongue": Reverend Stephen Leonard attempts to stifle his son Felix's gifted violin-playing, which he sees as unholy.
"Little Joscelyn": Aunty Nan hears of Joscelyn Burnett's return to Prince Edward Island and greatly desires to hear her old friend sing.
"The Winning of Lucinda": Lucinda and Romney Penhallow's longtime feud is resolved.
"Old Man Shaw's Girl": Mrs Peter Blewett attempts to destroy Old Man Shaw's hopes regarding the return of his beloved daughter Sara ("Blossom").
"Aunt Olivia's Beau": Olivia Sterling is courted by Malcolm McPherson.
"Quarantine at Alexander Abraham's": Severe man-hater Angelina "Peter" MacPherson is quarantined for smallpox with Alexander Abraham Bennett, a misogynist who has not allowed a woman in his house for years.
"Pa Sloane's Purchase": Pa Sloane rashly buys a baby at an auction and must deal with the consequences.
"The Courting of Prissy Strong": Stephen Clark courts Prissy Strong despite her sister Emmeline's strong opposition.
"The Miracle at Carmody": Avowed atheist Judith Marsh and her sister Salome attempt to raise young Lionel Hezekiah.
"The End of a Quarrel": Peter Wright and Nancy Rogerson meet again, many years after a quarrel over his grammar broke them up.

Chronicles of Avonlea is followed by Further Chronicles of Avonlea, which also deals with numerous families from the fictional Avonlea district.

Since publication, the Anne of Green Gables series have sold more than 50 million copies and have been translated into 20 languages.


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